Archive for June 11, 2014


Well, it is time for another segment of this blog.  It has been quite a day for me.  Had coffee hour with a friend this morning and talked a lot about God.  Then picked up grandson and went to lunch.  Then later in the afternoon took him home and then shopping, stopped and had dinner, then home and unload car.  Then a little time of relax and then quiet time with Dad.  

The title I choose tonight actually was given to me as I read a book by my favorite author….Philip Yancy.  The book is titled “The Bible Jesus Read.”  If you haven’t had a chance to read any of his books, you need to pick them up at your local library.  In this one he takes us through the books of the Bible that Jesus read and that was the Old Testament.  He says the Job …is seeing in the dark.  Deuteronomy….a taste of bittersweet.  Psalms…spirituality in every key. 

One quote that Philip wrote was from Eugene Peterson.  He said “Worship is the strategy by which we interrupt our preoccupation with ourselves and attend to the presence of God.  Worship is the time and place that we assign for deliberate attentiveness to God — not because he’s confined to time and place but because our self-importance is so insidiously relentless that if we don’t deliberately interrupt ourselves regularly, we have no chance of attending to him at all at other times and in other places.”   

Think about this when you walk through the door of the church you are attending starting this Sunday.  As you walk to your pew, see if you can see evidence of Jesus being in attendance.  I am sure you will find some.  I know, it can take some time before you do see this happening.  It took me a long time to really see what I should have seen before.  Now I see his presence at Sunday School, Praise team warmups, standing next to Pastor as he gives the sermon or when he is praying.  Trust me brothers if you take the time to look you will see him.  Remember…Worship is about Jesus…..not about us.  Once you do that you will start see his presence in your everyday life.  

Thought for the day….Where will I met Jesus today? 

I really do suggest that you get a copy of any of Philip Yancey’s books.  You will change your thinking and you will reach out to God.  After all Prayer is nothing more than conversation with a friend.  His line is never busy and he does accept knee-mail.  


God Bless to all my brothers and sisters out there in cyber space.